Work in Progress
'Me Tarzan, you Jane!' OK I'm sure he's not saying that but until the job is finished he could be reciting Hamlet. I find the first thumbnails always have tremendous energy, and the challenge for me is to retain that freshness when I ink the pages. I try to achieve this by keeping a loose almost sketchy control when I put the first lines down, and also when applying blacks with a brush I take a deep breath and go for it, maybe trying something I'm not quite sure of, but not wanting to rough it out on a piece of tracing paper. Go for it. Well - I've always
got a pot of white ink which I can either white out or draw with, so it's not like it's written in ink or anything. The creative chemistry
is great and it's wonderful to see a script develop to finished art.
got a pot of white ink which I can either white out or draw with, so it's not like it's written in ink or anything. The creative chemistry
is great and it's wonderful to see a script develop to finished art.